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Habitat for Humanity

Last week Tech Lab partnered with Onix, Inlanta Mortgage, and AVI Systems to work on a Habitat for Humanity home.  This opportunity was coordinated by Jackson Bubolz of Inlanta Mortgage in Hales Corners and through the Greater Brookfield Chamber of Commerce. 

The day started at 8:00 AM.  We broke off into two groups, so unfortunately, I do not have any pictures of Kim Zahn of Brookfield East or Amy Schmidt of AVI Systems.  Amy and Kim’s group worked on laying in vinyl flooring. 

My group, which included several members of the Onix team and Jackson of Inlanta Mortgage, worked on demoing flooring, cleaning up basements, and inventorying building materials. 

In case you do not know what demoing is (I did not), it is demolition.  We literally pried up flooring until it looks like this photo.

No flooring

Once the flooring was up then there were staples sticking up that needed to get pounded down and then cleanup occurred.


Afterwards, we cleaned out basements.  Many supplies and garbage were left in the basements, so we threw out the garbage and relocated the usable supplies.  Our team did this for three basements.  In between, we had lunch provided by Onix.  Afterwards, some of the team went on a walking tour of the neighborhood and the homes that Habitat for Humanity was working on, and some of us kept on working. 

We also sorted usable building materials from garbage and unusable materials.  We inventoried the amounts of usable building materials. Below the tarp is the usable lumber.

Usable Lumber

Thank you to everyone to helped to make the day successful including Michelle from Tech Lab!

Milwaukee area employees of Onix

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